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Expert Allergy Treatment in Surprise, AZ

From common allergens to seasonal and sudden flare-ups, allergies can significantly impact everyday life. To overcome itchy eyes, allergy cough, and other unfavorable symptoms, look to Oasis ENT. With extensive expertise in the causes of allergy symptoms, our specialists provide effective treatment for allergies of all types in Surprise, AZ.

Woman using tissue due to allergy symptoms in Surprise, AZ

Understanding allergies

Allergies occur when the immune system rejects an airborne substance, food, or contact with an object. These trigger substances are known as allergens. Allergens may be seasonal or consistent and range in severity. The symptoms associated with allergies vary from person to person, depending on the cause and severity of the allergy.

Health worker checking for allergies in Surprise, AZ

What are allergies?

Allergies happen when your immune system rejects an airborne substance, food, or object that you come into contact with. The substance or material that causes your allergic reaction is called an allergen. In most situations, your allergen is perfectly normal and doesn’t cause such responses for other people. However, your immune system reacts as if the substance is harmful.

Some allergies are seasonal, while others cause reactions year-round. The symptoms you get when encountering your allergen depend on the type of allergen causing them and the severity of your allergy.

Identifying the Causes of Allergy Symptoms

Allergens can be found anywhere. In most cases, common allergens, such as pet dander, pollen, and seasonal triggers, are easily identifiable. In contrast, pinpointing certain food, medication, and environmental allergens can be more challenging, especially if the allergy develops later in life. That’s where Oasis ENT comes in.

What are some common allergens?

You can be allergic to things that you touch, eat, or breathe in. If you have allergic symptoms, the team at Oasis Ear, Nose, and Throat performs allergy testing to help you identify your allergen. A few of the most common allergens are:

  • Pollen
  • Pet Dander
  • Dust Mites
  • Mold
  • Eggs
  • Nuts
  • Wheat
  • Fish
  • Shellfish
  • Milk
  • Soy
  • Insects
  • Insect Venom
  • Certain Medications
  • Certain Chemicals

The team at Oasis Ear, Nose, and Throat creates a treatment plan to help you manage your symptoms even if you’re frequently exposed to your allergen.

Which symptoms come with allergies?

Allergic symptoms vary from person to person. The type of symptoms you get depends on how you come into contact with your allergen. Common allergic symptoms fit into these two categories:

Airborne allergy symptoms

Airborne allergens cause a reaction called allergic rhinitis. It includes coughing, sneezing, and a stuffy or runny nose.

Insect, food, and medicine allergy symptoms

These allergic symptoms vary greatly, but they don’t include allergic rhinitis. You might experience eye-watering, swelling, hives, vomiting, trouble breathing, or even a loss of consciousness.

Which treatments can help me manage my allergies?

Allergies have no cure, but the team at Oasis Ear, Nose, and Throat can help you avoid reactions and manage your symptoms. First, they typically recommend avoiding your allergen whenever possible. After an evaluation and an identification of your allergen, they might recommend:


Immunotherapy is a treatment for allergies that the team recommends when medications and avoiding your allergen aren’t effective. You’ll take tiny regular doses of your allergen to build your tolerance to it slowly.

Allergies can put you at risk for inconvenient or even deadly reactions. To confirm your allergy diagnosis and explore available treatments, book an appointment by phone or online at Oasis Ear, Nose, and Throat today.

Allergy medications

Some medications can help you manage your allergic reactions either at the moment as they occur or by taking them regularly. The team might recommend nasal sprays, oral antihistamines, or other medications to ease symptoms.

The Benefits of Allergy Treatment

Treatment for allergies with Oasis ENT is the key to eliminating potentially life-threatening reactions and chronic symptoms that hinder your daily life. We may recommend immunotherapy and/or targeted allergy medications based on a diagnostic assessment and allergy testing. The benefits of pursuing allergy treatment include:

  • Sustainable symptom relief
  • Improved breathing and respiratory health
  • Enhanced comfort and quality of life
  • Effective immediate and long-term allergy management
  • Reduced risk of complications and anaphylaxis

Manage Allergens with Confidence: Start Treatment Today

Gain control of your allergies with Oasis ENT. We’re here to help you recognize and avoid common allergens and triggers and set you on track to sustainable symptom management with personalized allergy treatment in Surprise, AZ. We strive to mitigate your immune reactions and minimize symptoms with tailored allergy treatments. Contact our friendly staff to schedule your allergy test.

Patient Experience: Tom Termini

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